Fee Schedule

Effective as of January 1st, 2023

Fee Schedule

Account Reconciliation (per hour)


Account Research (per hour)


Account Verification


ACH/ATM/Debit Overdraft Fee


ACH Origination Fee(1 time set-up)


Administrative State Remittance Fee


ATM Transaction (First 4 free)


Cancel Written Loan


Cashier's/Bank Check (Payable to someone other than member)


Check Copy (Up to 1 year)


Check Copy (Over 1 year)


Chex System Reporting Fee


Close an account open less than 6 months


Club Account Early Withdrawal


Courtesy Pay Fee


Debit/Credit Card Replacement Fee


Dormant Account Fee (monthly)


Express Delivery/Expedited Mailing Fee

Varies by vendor

Liens and Levies


Loan Doc Prep Fee Consumer Loan


Loan Late Payment Fee (consumer loans)

$25.00 or 10% of payment amount (greater of amount)

*Loan Processing Fee (if closed_Doc prep_fee $44.00)


Money Order (Per item)


Mortgage Application Fee

$375.00 plus other application fees

Mortgage Underwriting Fee


Outgoing Domestic Wire Fee


Paper Statement Fee (free e-statement)


Returned Check Fee


Returned Mail Fee


Rewrite Loan (borrower error)


Statement Copy/Account History


Stop Payment Fee


Transfer Fee


Telephone Inquire Fee


Verification of Deposit or Loan
